This chicken’s body is all black, perhaps the organs, meat, and bones. The Kadaknath is an Indian variety of chicken local to the Madhya Pradesh area, where it is known as "Kali masi" ("fowl having black flesh"). The Kadaknath is popular mainly because of its adaptability, and also the good-tasting black meat, which can be believed to infuse vigor.[3] Its color comes from the deposition of melanin pigment. The birds are completely black: black plumage with a greenish iridescence, black legs and toe nails, black beak and tongue, black comb and wattles, black meat and bones and also dark organs. Because of the meat's alleged medicinal properties, it is in high demand. To save the breed from extinction, the state government started a Kadaknath poultry breeding program involving 500 BPL families, have been to receive financial support and assistance Picture source
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